Kind Words from Former Patients

Dr. Brage enjoys the challenge of helping patients with severe foot and ankle deformities, injuries or disease, which limit their ability to lead an active lifestyle. It is genuinely rewarding for him to hear from patients following reconstructive or ankle replacement surgery, saying they have been able to resume activities. Some of those testimonials are included on this page, initials are used in place of patient names.

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“I have been totally amazed at the care and personal touch my wife and I have received at every level of this surgical process. After years of hobbling on a contorted ankle, my surgery has resulted in a new lease on life.  Six months out and I am hiking and cycling without any thought of the ankle.  I feel truly fortunate to have had the surgery in Seattle as I have had first hand reports of other ankle replacement surgeries that have not had such a positive result. As someone who has had other procedures over many decades, this stands out as a remarkable experience that was not expected as we were having the procedure done at a major trauma hospital.  We were blown away by the 100% service we received.” — BK

“I have been in tremendous pain for 7 years. I had an ankle reconstruction surgery in 2010 that did not go well and in general, my ankle collapsed after that surgery (this was done by another surgeon). I have spent 7 years flying all over the country trying to find a surgeon that could correct my problem. My average pain level was an 8 on a daily basis and I could not do more than an hour or so of walking within a single day. I was trying to figure out how I was going to live the rest of my life in what seemed like an impossible situation.

When I met Dr. Brage, he seemed so certain he would be able to help me and needless to say my past experience kept me skeptical. His confidence lead me to believe this might actually be the surgery that would help me get my life back. My expectation was, at best, that I would go down to maybe a 3-4 pain level, something I could live with and maybe he could straighten my ankle a little more so it wasn't so crooked. Well, Dr. Brage definitely exceeded my expectations. I am 11 months out from surgery and I am pain-free. I never thought that would come out of my mouth again. 

Dr. Brage has given me my life back. To someone who was feeling hopeless and desperate, I cannot tell you what that means. I finally have my life back. I cannot say enough about what this has done for me.” —CC

“I went through 6 months of misdiagnosed agony before I was able to insist that I be seen by a orthopedic doctor. It took very little for Dr. Bragge to dismiss the prior diagnoses and to confirm the real issue with my ankle. I’m thankful that we have such awesome professionals in Seattle.” —RR


“Before surgery with Dr. Brage, my mobility was severely restricted by an old ankle injury that had grown arthritic.  The difficulty I had walking was seriously diminishing my life and actually precipitated my retirement from gardening.  Dr. Brage’s work is so skillful, my recovery was swift and virtually painless, plus my ability to walk and work was restored.  

You must be aware that Dr, Brage is renowned for his work. I have family who are doctors who know other docs in this area and all recommended  Brage. For my two-year post-surgery follow-up last week, my doctor said he knew well of Dr. Brage’s skill and he was seriously impressed by the results I’ve had. Dr. Brage and his team literally gave me back my life.” —KP

“I recently had both my ankles replaced by Dr. Brage. This has been a life changing experience for me.  Prior to the surgery, I could not function without incredible pain. I could barely negotiate stairs or carry on daily activities. Prior to developing arthritis, I was a distance runner, mountain climber, avid golfer and loved working around our home.  I had 24 hour pain and swelling with no ability to control it. 

I really can't put into words how happy I am with the results of my surgery.  I golf nearly every day and have no trouble walking 18 holes.  I ride my Lemond spinner bicycle 4 to 5 days a week for an hour at a time. The ankles are strong and stable.  Certainly, they are tender with weight bearing after I sit or lay down but it only takes a few steps before they feel fine.  I'm sure this will pass as my left ankle hardly has this issue given it's 8 months older!  I do miss running and hiking/climbing but I'm OK with it.”  —MS

“I’m 75 now, have experienced operating rooms  at Walter Reed Navel Hospital, the Hospital at NIH, both in Bethesda, MD.  We reside in Tri-Cities (Pasco, WA) living several blocks from where Sigvard Hansen lived prior to his coming to Seattle and establishing his legacy at Seattle Harborview Foot and Ankle Institute.  I believe Dr Brage comes to Harborview as part of a select group known as “The best of the best of the best”.  Dr Brages’ own legacy will help inspire many seeking medical needs to choose UW Medicine facilities and appreciate their parking garages.   

I knew this operation would be complicated as it was a new type ankle joint and at present I understand is only offered by the manufacture to four doctors in the world and Brage is one of the four.  So I got the BEST.  

The operation is behind, rehabilitation ahead and confident I’ve a great team at my back.  I continue to thank The Lord for Dr. Brage, his team, this hospital and the UW Medicine group.” —KA


“I had a total ankle replacement with Dr. Brage in December 2013.  Prior to the surgery I was in excruciating pain and was unable walk comfortably, climb stairs, hike, let alone travel. As a practicing yoga therapist I tried every non-surgical intervention I could find prior to the surgery, none which helped with pain or mobility.  I was also retiring from my job as a clinical social worker and had hoped to travel. The decision to have the surgery was difficult. The recovery was long, but to my surprise after several months, I was able to regain total range of motion with no pain or discomfort. Dr. Brage and his team put me in in a VA clinical trial which documented the successful results in hope that it could be used for others.

 Since my recovery, I have been traveling throughout Central South America, teaching yoga to women and children in Colombia and Mexico. As an international certified yoga therapist, I spend most of my time out of the country sharing the benefits of yoga to others. I am able to travel alone, carry my own bag, feel confident in uncomfortable situations, that before I would never have been able to imagine. At 65, I feel my life is just beginning and I have so much to offer the world, because of what Dr. Brage and his team were able to do for me.  I hope that he will continue to help others reach their potential, long after their working lives are over, as he has done for me.” — RR

“My foot condition was very complicated, having had one surgery in the late fall of 2018 that did not remedy the issue.  My surgeon at that time was Dr. Dujela, at Washington Orthopeodic Center.  He referred me to Dr. Brage as the reparative surgery needed, he felt would be best completed by him.  Dr. Brage did, indeed, complete the repairs that were started in 2018, and corrected my foot, arch, and tendons so that I have a normal walk and stance.  I am extremely grateful for his patience and expertise.  

I am also happy to write a glowing review for Andy, Dr. Brage’s M.A..  Both the Dr. and Andy were very attentive, caring, knowledgeable, and had a terrific personality to keep my spirits up.  They were encouraging and professional.” —NS

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“As a recipient of two of your ankle arthroplasties, I would like to thank both of you for the wonderful care I was given. Throughout both processes, I’ve was given excellent and professional care throughout. At this point in my recovery, I feel confident that they will give me many years of pain free living.

As I mentioned to you on 7/18/19, I am not constrained in any way by these devices except for running and impact exercising. I am essentially pain free except for a few moments when I get up from a prone position. My life is 100% improved and I am so grateful to your team.

Again, I can’t thank you enough for changing my life for the better and I look forward to many happy and healthy years on my new ankles.

I took a solo hike to Camp Muir yesterday on my new ankles. I’ve submitted Rainier 10 times in my 20’s but had not been back to the mountain in 30 years. I killed it thanks to you guys!!!!!” —MS

“This letter is long over due. For over 8 years I could hardly put my feet on the ground barefooted due to my aggressive from of rheumatoid Arthritis. The joint deformation in my toes worsened to the point where I could hardly wear shoes. After years of medications, orthotics and trying every shoe imaginable I was highly recommended to Dr. Brage by my very trusted rheumatologist.

After my comprehensive appointment with him I knew he was just the doctor for me! He was compassionate and knowledgeable with my specific case. He answered all of my questions and explained with great detail what my surgery would consist of, and thankfully did not minimize any of it. I was so happy with the success of my surgery I scheduled myself for my second foot less than one year later. His evaluation, diagnosis, treatment plan, and care has changed my life! I was adamant about rehab and so happy I saw the therapist (Kalyani) at UW, this was the icing on the cake for my recovery. Thank you a million Dr. Brage and his team (Andy) at UW Foot & Ankle.” —NV


“I would like to recognize Dr. Brage, an experienced surgeon who took a personal interest in the quality of my life. At my initial visit, he showed me my x-rays, pointed out the deformities, explained my options, including the complexity of surgery, and the recovery process.

I knew I had found an exceptional doctor, committed to providing the best possible care, when he asked if I minded waiting a few days, before making a decision, so he could consult with his colleagues for their input. After they met, he called to let me know that their suggestions helped him refine the surgery.

Dr. Brage's initiative to check his thinking, seek the advice of others, and his desire to continue learning gave me the confidence and ability to make an informed decision.” —RR